With osteochondrosis, the structure of the spine undergoes degenerative-textrophic changes, which is associated with a violation of the anatomical structure of the intervertebral disc, as well as the function performed by it. One of the common forms of the disease is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
If you believe statistics data, then more than half of the globe's population has one degree or another the severity of the appearance of pathology. As a rule, the average age of the primary manifestation of the disease occurs for a period of 30-40 years.
In cases where adverse living conditions, genetic predisposition and provocative factors combine, the development of osteochondrosis may come at the age of 20-30. Especially if this is facilitated by prolonged static loads on the spinal ridge or injuries to the back of the varying severity.

Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous? Its complications and consequences, can a person die from the disease?
General picture clinical
Important! The main provocateur of the pathology formation is the uneven load on the spinal column. This can be due to the wearing a heavy bag on just one shoulder or only on one side, sitting in an unpleasant, from the spine, a position, the use of a very soft mattress, large feather to sleep, lined with high heels and very high. All this leads to the incorrect distribution of load on the back.
Moreover, the negative impact is exerted by:
Other reasons affecting the development of the disease include:

Histons what threatens osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in women?
The main clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis:
Doctors' opinion:
Cervical osteochondrosis is a serious disease that can lead to different complications if you do not pay attention to it. Doctors note that the main reasons for developing this condition are related to improper behavior, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress on the cervical spine. Symptoms of osteochondrosis can include neck pain, headaches, dizziness, a numbness in the hands. Often, patients complain of a feeling of stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Doctors warn that ignoring these symptoms can lead to nerve compression, circulatory disorders and even the development of intervertebral disc hernia. Therefore, it is important to contact specialists in a timely manner for the diagnosis and description of complex treatment, including medicines, physiotherapy and special exercises.
Spinal lesions
The pathological process course can be divided into four stages:

Neurological symptoms: head, neck and spine pain, effect on the brain
Violation of the vegetovascular system
Degenerative changes in the beads lead to a violation of their structure. As the disease progresses, changes begin to affect vascular and nerve structures that go along the spine.
Attention! Irritation of the nerve roots provokes the appearance of vascular spasm (vasoconstrictor affects the arteries), as a result of which concerns the transport of oxygen and nutrients. Neuron ischemia leads to a violation of certain hormones production, whose task involves ensuring normal functioning of the vegetative system.
The result will be the progress of the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia:
Other people's experience
Cervical osteochondrosis is a serious illness that they are talking about. It is dangerous in that it can lead to various complications, including circulatory disorders in the brain and spine. At the same time, the consequences can be extremely serious, up to limb paralysis. The reasons for developing this disease can be improper behaviors, sitting lifestyle, neck damage, infections. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, noise in the ear, a feeling of tingling in the hands. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in the first signs to avoid possible complications.
Hypertension and hypotension
Compression of radical nerve structures in the cervical region causes a violation of vascular intrigue. Continuous compression of the nerve tissue leads to the fact that fibers lose the ability to adequate impulses from the cerebral pyramid structure of the brain.
Attention! In advanced cases, vertebral artery syndrome may be formed. In this case, both a hypotonic and hypertension can occur.
With a combination of osteochondrosis with a high level of vertebral damage and fluctuations in blood pressure, access to therapy for the condition should be complex. If only a cardiologist treats such patients, then he will not achieve normalization of pressure. This is subject to parallel impact on pathological changes on the back. In the absence of an integrated approach, a sharp compensating pressure jump may occur, which provokes the development of spinal or hemorrhagic ischemic stroke.

The risk of devastating effects on the back
Headache and damaged nervous system
Pain in the head area is one of the common symptoms of this pathology. The use of painkillers has a positive effect only for a short period of time, but there is no elimination of the root cause of the disease.
The main factor that leads to the appearance of pain is the formed subluxation of the neck vertebrae. In this case, there is a pronounced compression of vertebral arteries and nearby nerve fibers.
Headache is regular. The following symptoms may accompany it:
At the osteochondrosis clinic, the following complexes of syndromes are distinguished:

The effect of therapy and the use of therapeutic drugs, their harmful effects on joints
How to prevent a pathology
To prevent the development of diseases, it is enough to perform a set of exercises regularly. A rough option for morning or evening gymnastics:
All exercises are performed five times on each side. They can be done both at home and in the workplace. Especially if the work is accompanied by large loads on the neck. The starting position can also be selected any: staying or sitting in a chair. What should not be done is to perform circular head movements because you can cause the beads.
Treatment results: to what extent can you get rid of the disease, possible complications of the disease and the consequences are life -threatening
Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that will not occur over time. Modern medicine is unable to cure vertebral degenerative changes. Therefore, the task of patients and doctors is to prevent the progression of pathology and complications.
What can be the consequences of cervical osteochondrosis?
What is dangerous cervical osteochondrosis if you do not receive timely treatment, the outcome of the disease can be a violation of cerebral circulation, weakness and atrophy of muscles, damaged functions of organs and internal systems. The disease also leads to the limitation of spine mobility and the loss of hands sensitivity.
What helps very well with cervical osteochondrosis very well?
Creators of effective pain in the form of gels, ointments, tablets, injections are contraindicated in children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.
Do you feel a person with cervical osteochondrosis?
With "cervical osteochondrosis" in the neck, visible areas of muscle atrophy (loss of muscle weight), a decrease or increase in the tone of the long back muscles, and violations of static in the cervical region can be observed.
Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?
The risks of cervical osteochondrosis in an advanced stage of osteochondrosis can develop ischemia, stroke and many other diseases that are dangerous to human life. Therefore, when any symptoms associated with this disease appear, it is recommended to seek medical help.
Useful advice
Council no. 1
Keep the standing and avoid a long stand in the wrong head position to reduce the load on the cervical spine.
Council no. 2
Regularly do exercises for the neck and back to strengthen the muscles and improve the flexibility of the joints.
Council no. 3
Avoid lifting weights without the proper technique so as not to load the cervical spine and not worsen osteochondrosis.